Monster Fun Time at Barnes & Noble Book Store

Woo-hoo! I celebrated my 55th birthday this week and what better way to keep the birthday candles burning bright than to hang out with my writer peeps for a Monster Moon book signing. We met at the 4th annual City of Readers Bookfair at Barnes & Noble in Redlands, California.

From left to right, Maria Cisneros Toth (me), Lynn Kelley (middle), and Kathryn Sant on the Winnie the Pooh Storytime stage in the children’s department of Barnes & Noble.

Along with a couple of awesome Star Wars Storm Troopers.

Thanks for the escort guys!

Supportive and gorgeous friends from our writer’s critique group Books Born Here popped in.

From left to right, authors Carol J. Amato, Cindy (Annie) Howland, and Melissa Salazar.

And a surprise visit from Sam, a remarkable service dog from Cool Dog, School Dog padded on over and wagged a friendly ‘hello.’

A special memorial tribute was held for Sam’s mother, Ollie, also a therapy dog, who sadly passed away earlier this year.

A pinata bursting with gratitude goes to Sheri Becar. Sheri, an english and language arts teacher spearheads the City of Readers, a literacy program for the San Bernardino City Unified School District. Together, Barnes & Noble and the City of Readers have teamed up, creating this funtabulous literacy event for local students and their families. The special event offered author signings & readings, family activities, costumed characters, music, and lots more.

You’re awesome Sheri! And Barnes & Noble, you totally rock! Monster thanks for inviting us back to this super cool event. We had a great time meeting so many enthusiastic readers!

Sheri Becar takes a sneak peek at Lynn Kelley’s newly released book for early readers, Curse of the Double Digits.

It was a perfect day surrounded with oodles of books and good friends. What else could a birthday girl ask for?

Co-author/ZomBuddy Kathryn Sant entertained young readers with a scene from our second book in the Monster Moon mystery series, Secret of Haunted Bog. Take it away Kathy! And thanks everyone for making this such an unforgettable and fun day!

*Throws confetti!*

What type of reading program (s) does your community offer? How are you involved in promoting literacy? Who was the first author you ever met in person?

15 thoughts on “Monster Fun Time at Barnes & Noble Book Store

  1. Robyn Campbell

    Oh man! I loved this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are so BODACIOUSLY SUPERCALAFRAGALISTICEXPEALADOCIOUS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I know it was a success and I am so proud of you ladies. HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY, MARIA!!!!! (The storm troopers are awesome. Lucky you, girlfriend!) 😉 MWAH!!!!

    1. Yvette Carol

      Hey, Robyn! I meant to say something the last time I saw a comment from you here. Hellooo *hugs across the miles* Lots of love to you, girlfriend. I hope everything is on the up-and-up around your place. Big praise for staying strong amongst it all. 🙂 Take care!

    2. mariacisnerostoth Post author

      Thanks, Teresa for the b’day wishes! And spending my birthday with my Monster Moon peeps was super fun! This was our third year in a row participating in the B & N/City of Readers Bookfair, sO I really look forward to it! We’re hoping they invite us back again next year. The Storm Troopers were a new addition this year! And super cool that you promote literacy at home because that’s where it all starts. So, cyber high five! And that is so cool that you got to attend one of Jane Yolen’s book talks/signings. I bet you were in heaven! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your fam. Christmas is just around the corner. 🙂

  2. Steve Attkisson

    The three of you seem to take magic with you and release when you sit before an audience. I’m glad the day was so special.

    1. mariacisnerostoth Post author

      Aww…Steve, thanks! That’s such a nice thing to say. I remember you came last year. It’s always so much fun to see smiling and familiar faces in the audience. I can hardly wait till we get to go and see you during your book signings! 🙂

  3. Teresa Robeson (@TeresaRobeson)

    Happy birthday, dear, dear Maria!!! (I can’t top Robyn’s exclamation points…LOL!) What a fun way to spend your birthday. 🙂 I don’t know who’s cuter, you, Sam, or the Storm Troopers. Hah!

    Our library and the B&N in town both have reading programs; not sure who else does around here. I promote literacy at home by reading all the time (to myself and the kids) but I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve not done much about it outside the home.

    The first (non-academic) author I met, I think, was Elsa Marston. Lovely, lovely lady. One of the best talk I attended by an author has to be Jane Yolen. 🙂

    Happy Sunday! xo

  4. mariacisnerostoth Post author

    Hi Robyn, I love that word… Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious! When I was a kid, I bought the 45 vinyl record and played it over and over again till I memoroized the song.(and Spoolful of Sugar) LOL! We did have a lot of fun at the book signing. I’ve known Sheri Becar since my days at the newspaper. She is dedicated and has been working diligently on the City of Readers programs for years with great sucess. She also organizes other events including the Read Across America at our library and she is involved in a Family Storytime program at our local TV station. I’ve been lucky enough to read on the program twice.

    And thanks so much for the birthday wishes. I’m still celebrating. LOL! And the Storm Troopers were an awesome surprise. The kids were lined up for a chance to have their pic taken with them. It was so neat!

    After the event, Lynn, Kathy, and Carol treated me out to lunch at Chilis. Mango iced tea. Yummm!

  5. lynnkelleyauthorLynn Kelley

    Wow, Maria, I’m so impressed you got this post up so fast, plus got Kathy’s reading put on YouTube! And how cool you got your pic taken with the Storm Troopers! I agree, they were such a cool surprise. I love Star Wars. It was an awesome day!

  6. Yvette Carol

    Hey hey, Maria! How cool was that? Wow, I was so proud of you guys. Love the pictures of your smiling faces, you all look like you were in 7th heaven surrounded by all those books. Great stuff. Pretty good the timing that it happened with your birthday celebrations too, I like that! We have our birthdays at a similar time don’t we…because my sis and I are already starting to plan what we’re going to do for mine! Ha ha. Lovely way to end your day at Barnes & Noble by going out to birthday lunch. My big hug to you my dear friend, on your birthday week!! ha ha 🙂


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